UPCOMING PRPE Meeting: December 2nd

PRPE Members: Check your email for the link and Agenda

President's last message!

A whole lot happened during this term. We added two years, two elections, two Superintendents, 2 new school Boards, 60+ new educators. We subtracted 1 School site, multiple retirees with incentives. I have so much to be thankful for, most of all for each and every one of our PRPE members. The support, challenges, experiences, conferences, meaningful conversations and all the hard work were impactful in so many ways. Chris Cardenas will be a great leader and will continue the work of organizing and bringing Unity to our team. I will continue to be involved with PRPE as a Parliamentarian to support the new team during the transition. We will also be organizing a special rep training sometime in January. so stay tuned.

We Are Grateful for opportunities to learn🧡

This past weekend Paso Robles Educators Gaylene Ewing, Marcy Goodnow and Christopher Smith attended the LGBTQ+ Conference in Burlingame. They met lots of educators from all over California, and learned tons of useful information that will support our District's efforts towards inclusive excellence

      Superintendent talking points for the PRJUSD Budget Survey

Paso Robles Board Meeting 


The Paso Robles Public Educators (PRPE) was formed in 1997 as a result of the unification of the Paso Robles Elementary Teachers Association affiliated with the California Teachers Association (CTA) and the Paso Robles Federation of High School Teachers that was affiliated with the California Federation of Teachers (CFT).  Therefore the PRPE is one of only three unions statewide that is merged with our members being members of the CTA, the CFT as well as the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).  The other two merged locals are the United Educators of Los Angeles (UTLA) and the United Educators of San Francisco (UESF).

The PRPE represents over 400 classroom teachers, librarians, counselors, speech therapists, independent study, home school and adult school teachers as well as non-classified credentialed nurses.

Being a union member is the single most effective path to advocating for your profession and those you educate. Every educator deserves union representation, whether you are full-time, part-time, classified or certificated, higher education or preschool, working in public education or at a private school or university.

Becoming a CFT member means that you join 120,000 educators in California who together are advocating for quality education at their workplaces, in their communities, and in the halls of the Legislature. Be a part of this important work!

Since 1863, CTA has been fighting for educators and the students they serve. At the local level, members bargain for fair working and learning conditions, so they can ensure that school districts provide the schools all students deserve. CTA members join a long and vibrant legacy of fighting for equity by lifting up the voices of the unheard and winning resources for schools and students. CTA members individually and collectively are the best and most important advocates for public education and the professionals that make it possible.

The combined strength of CTA’s 310,000 members and NEA’s 3.2 million members makes us powerful and passionate advocates for you at the state and national levels. That means that just by joining CTA, you’re helping an education support professional in another district bargain a living wage right now.